This is Russ's Chevrolet Suburban. This big black truck is filled to the brim with in-car entertainment goodies. The
fun starts with a Panasonic in-dash DVD player with motorized flip-out monitor. The pre-amp signal goes into a Zapco
Competition Series C2K-2.5X and C2K-9.0XD amplifiers. The C2K-2.5X powers MB Quart component speakers and the
big-daddy C2K-9.0XD powers a pair of TREO Engineering SSX15.22 subwoofers. All interconnects use Zapco's awesome
SymbiLink technology for sixteen volts of noise-free signals.
Click the following Images to Enlarge to 1024x768 resolution.

Hatch full of TREO Engineering Subs and Zapco Amps

TREO Engineering SSX15.22 Subwoofers and Tasteful Two-Tone Vinyl

More TREO Engineering SSX15.22 Love

Zapco Competition Series Amplifiers, Two-Tone Vinyl, and Gloss Black Plexiglass

Panasonic In-Dash DVD with Flip-Out Monitor

Stinger One Farad Monitor Caps and TREO Engineering Subs

Another Shot of the In-Dash DVD
Russ's Suburban also features a PlayStation 2 and a Microsoft X-Box mounted beneath the middle captain's chairs.