This is Cole's red Chevrolet Beretta. The system in this car starts with a very slick Sony MEX-5DI CD/MP3/Memory
Stick player with a 32,000 color TFT screen. From there signal flows into three MMATS Professional Audio amplifiers,
two powering MB Quart Premium Series component sets, and one powering a pair of TREO Engineering SS12.44 subwoofers
in a custom ported enclosure in the trunk. Everything is accented with gloss red plexiglass and plenty of red neon.
Click the following Images to Enlarge to 1024x768 resolution.

Cole's Chevrolet Beretta

MB Quart Crossovers on Display

Another Shot of the MB Quart Premium Series Crossovers

Sony MEX-5DI and Custom Kick Panels

Cool Graphics

Three MMATS Professional Audio Amplifiers

Sony MEX-5DI CD/MP3/Memory Stick Player

Driver's Eye View

More Source Unit and Kick Panel Love

Driver's Kick Panel Close-Up

Passenger Kick Panel Close-Up

Dashboard Close-Up

TREO Engineering Street Series Twelves

Pretty Red Plexiglass

Sounds by Metro Audio Dynamics
Cole's Beretta is further outfitted with new seventeen inch chrome wheels, Eibach lowering springs, some killer red
and black racing seats and yellow exterior graphics.