This is Mike Bell's black Chevrolet Cavalier Coupe. This Cavalier has custom flame graphics, upgraded aluminum wheels and clear corner lenses and Altezza-style tail lights to set it apart from the pack. All that isn't even necessary because everyone can here him coming even before they can see him.
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Mike poses with his Cavalier... C'mon Mike, give us a smile!

TREO CSX12s in a wall

Close-up of a CSX12 in the wild

Doors open at USACi Finals showing off the custom metallic flame graphics

Batteries and Batcaps to feed the hungry U.S.Amps USA-2000 amplifier


Another shot of the amplifier rack
Mike's Cavalier was a finalist at the 2002 USACi World Finals. His two twelve inch woofers and amplifier added up to fourteenth place in the Modified 301-600 class.