TREO Engineering
TREO Installations

This is a Volvo S40 sedan with a custom stereo installed by JML Audio in Chesterfield, MO. This vehicle features Zapco electronics and a single TREO Engineering subwoofer.

Click the following Images to Enlarge to 640x480 resolution.

The beginnings of a custom fiberglass enclosure (back)
The beginnings of a custom fiberglass enclosure (back)
The beginnings of a custom fiberglass enclosure (front)
The beginnings of a custom fiberglass enclosure (front)
After hours of work the enclosure is ready for test-fitting
After hours of work the enclosure is ready for test-fitting
The enclosure is now completed, carpeted, and loaded with a TREO SSi12 subwoofer
The enclosure is now completed, carpeted, and loaded with a TREO SSi12 subwoofer
The completed cabinet installed (close-up)
The completed cabinet installed (close-up)
The completed trunk install
The completed trunk install

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TREO Engineering © 2002-2008